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Trip to Burlington, VT

I recently got my hands on my mother-in-law's digital camera and was able to get her pictures from a trip we took to Vermont. Pete's cousin Alissa got married and we were able to make it out for her wedding. Here is the scrapbook layout I made with the pictures from the trip. The patterned paper is Basic Grey (my favorite) and the word embellishments are from my scraps that have been around for about 7 years (I finally used them up!). I was happy to scrapbook since I have been trying to limit my scrapbooking. The only reason for this is that I think of the sheer amount of books I will end up with when my daughter grows up... (for someone who does not like clutter, it is scary). I do print most pictures once they are fixed up though and include them in a photo album for my daughter along with some journaling.


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