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Cleaning the Day Away

Literally all I have done today is clean. I do not understand how my house gets so out of control within a matter of hours! Actually I do understand and her name is Faith. It is also the fact that Pete and I love to cook, yet do not enjoy doing dishes. I have been cooking like crazy these past few days (now that I have time to cook and actually am enjoying it again) but have had such a hard time keeping up with the dishes since I do not have a dishwasher.

For the past year I have been using green cleaning products. I took a science class last spring that focused on sustainability and since I have strayed away from using harsh chemical cleaners. I am a strong believer that if you can't breathe when you are cleaning your house, it cannot mean anything good. Here are my recipes for my two favorite homemade cleaners:

All-Purpose Spray/Glass Cleaner:
In large spray bottle (I bought a generic one from Walmart) combine 4oz vinegar with 16oz water. That's it! Works great on kitchen surfaces along with glass and mirrors. I also use a similar mixture in the kitchen sink to mop my floors.

Shower Cleaner:
In large spray bottle combine 4oz Dawn dish soap with 16oz vinegar. Shake to mix. Works amazingly in the shower and also on sinks. Just wipe with a wet sponge and rinse with water.

For a toilet cleaner I use GreenWorks, which does as good of a job as anything else I have used but is much more environmentally conscious.

Since switching to greener cleaning products, I feel much better about cleaning around my daughter.


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